Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Melati :D

1. Nama dia Amiirah G. Cassan. Aku panggil melati. :)

2. Hari ni hari jadi dia yang ke 5 22 tahun! *I dedahkan juga umo u. i x pedulik :p *

3. Soorrryyyyyy. Gambar u i curik dari muka buku :D

4. I have three wishes for you on your birthday :
 First, I wish that this Birthday teaches you something new and beautiful. 
Second, I wish that you have a day that you'll remember forever with a smile. 
Third, I wish that such days keep coming in every single day. 

With Leb,
Jenab :D


Xx said...

thankyou for this entry jenab !!! muah muah muah! love you much ! insyaAllah amin for the wishes :) thanks for always be there for me when i need you ! you're the best !

xoxo, Melati :*

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